Neurotoxin Treatment Instructions!

Contraindications to treatment:

Botulinum Toxin (A) Treatment is not recommended for those who:

  • have active cold sores, bacterial infection, fungal infection, active acne, or rashes in treatment area

  • have malignancies or suspected malignancies of the skin or had radiation/chemotherapy within the last year

  • are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • have myasthenia gravis have severe facial nerve damage

  • have uncontrolled hypertension, hypotension, or diabetes

  • have a tendency to keloid scarring

  • have had recent facial surgery

It is advised to reschedule your appointment in the event of illness. Consider rebooking your appointment after your recovery.

Please allow for a minimum of one week after completing antibiotic treatments, and a minimum of two weeks before or after receiving any vaccine injections.

What To Expect During Treatment:

Your treatment provider will begin by ensuring treatment areas are clean and free of make-up or other creams. If you requested a local or topical anesthetic, it will be applied prior to the start of treatment and allowed time to set in prior to beginning treatment. Using fine needles, your provider will inject your selected aesthetic neuromodulator into pre-determined treatment area muscles. Duration of treatment is dependent upon treatment location but generally lasts between 15-30 minutes. You may experience a slight stinging sensation while each injection is taking place and/or you may experience slight discomfort. There is no expected downtime with neurotoxin treatment. Multiple treatments may be needed to achieve desired results depending on treatment goals and current skin condition. Results are temporary. Maintenance treatments may be necessary to maintain desired results.

Stop Taking/Using/Doing Prior To Appointment:

Two Weeks:

Laser Treatments, Light Chemical Peel, Hydra dermabrasion, and Microdermabrasion

or until your skin has healed and you're no longer experiencing redness and irritation

7 Days:

NSAIDS (ASA, Ibuprofen Excedrin, Aleve, Naproxen, etc) Herbal Supplements

Blood Thinners, Anti-Platelet Meds (Warfarin, Heparin, Plavix)

*Consult prescribing physician for guidance on stopping these meds

3 Days:

Alcohol and smoking (it can cause bruising and small bleeding at the injection site)

Day of:

Come with clean skin. Do not apply makeup, lotion, oil, perfume, or sunscreen

Please Do:

1. Arrive to appointment with treatment areas clean. Cleanse face/treatment area prior to your procedure and do not wear make-up, moisturizers, lotion, oil, perfume, or sunscreen to treatment area the day of your appointment.

2. There is no expected downtime; you can return to work after treatment. (you may have some bruising, swelling at injection site)

3. If you have a history of cold sores or shingles, please take your prescribed antiviral treatment for 2 days prior to, and day of, treatment. Please continue full course of treatment as prescribed.

4. Expect to experience pinpoint bleeding, bruising, headache, mild swelling and/or slight irritation in treatment area for 1-10 days after treatment.

5. Understand that results may take up to 10-14 days to be seen and that multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve desired results and to maintain desired results.

6 Please call to reschedule if a rash, open sore/wound, sunburn, or blemish develops in treatment area.

7. Plan to avoid exercise, strenuous activity, sauna, and excess heat for the first 24 hours after treatment.

Please Don’t:

1. Don’t massage or apply pressure on the treated area for 24 hours after treatment since Botulinum Toxin (A) may migrate to areas of undesirable effectiveness. If you had treatment to the lip area: avoid hard kissing, sucking movements, or puckering for 24 hours after treatment.

2. Don’t lie down for 4-6 hours after treatment; also, Do NOT lean forward repeatedly or for long durations, such as trying on shoes or engaging in activities that require you to bend forward.

3. Do not engage in yoga or other rigorous exercise activities, extensive sun or heat exposure, and alcoholic beverages for the 1st 24 hours after treatment. This may cause temporary redness, swelling, and/or itching at the sites of the injection.

4. Don’t receive facials or visit saunas for 24 hours after treatment. These activities will increase the chance of your blood pressure rising and increase the chance of minor and temporary bruising.

5. Don’t take Advil, Aspirin, Aspirin containing products, Vitamin E, Ginger, Ginko, Bilboa, Ginseng, and Garlic for 1 week since this may increase the risk of bruising.

6. You shouldn’t apply Makeup for the first 12 hours after the treatment.

Please Do:

1. Keep your head UPRIGHT for at least 4-6 hrs after injection to help avoid issues of migration.

2. Headaches are common with treatment. You may use acetaminophen and/or apply a cool compress as needed for mild discomfort. If headaches continue or worsen, contact your physician.

3. You may apply cold compresses or take acetaminophen (Tylenol) to reduce swelling and/or discomfort. Pinpoint bleeding, bumps, and marks at injections sites should resolve within a few hours. There is occasionally some mild pain, swelling, itching, or redness at the site of injection similar to most other injections. Redness at injection sites may last up to 1-2 days.

4. You may shower and do most other regular daily activities.

5. If you experience bruising: Arnica has been shown to decrease the incidence of bruising, pain and swelling after injections. Arnica supplements can be started the day prior to your procedure or the day of and continued afterwards if you develop bruising. These may be stopped once the bruising resolves. Various creams are also available which may be applied before your procedure.

Important Information:

Results of your treatment may take up to 14 days to take effect.

Botulinum A Toxin produces temporary results. In most people, the results of Botulinum A Toxin can last around 2-3 months. The effectiveness of Neurotoxin will gradually fade over this duration, and you will see increased muscle movement and fading of treatment results as time progresses over 2-3 months. The effectiveness of Botulinum A Toxin may have increased duration with successive treatments.

If this is your first treatment, your injector may want to see you after 2-3 weeks for a brief dose adjustment or follow-up (additional fees may apply).

For continuing results: schedule your Neurotoxin maintenance treatments on a regular basis as recommended by your treatment provider.

If you experience increasing redness, irritation, or inflammation, please call for advisement.

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the information above.